Seasonal Marketing Messaging

It's official. Spring has sprung! Snow is melting, and flowers bloom in cities throughout the United States. Here at Riza Marketing, we're already swapping out our sweaters for swimsuits and rolling out seasonal marketing to help our clients attract new business. 

Every season has its own identity and offers new opportunities to reach potential clients. Winter is dark and cozy, summer is bright and hot, and spring is colorful, green, and a reminder that new beginnings are possible. Many business owners wrongly believe that the only seasonal marketing that works is around Christmas and Valentine's Day, but there's much more to it. Investing in seasonal marketing is like grabbing the best, lowest-hanging marketing fruit.

You may wonder whether seasonal marketing is everything we're making it out to be. There are a few big reasons that it works so well to capture the interest of your ideal customers.

  1. Seasonal marketing messages hit on the natural emotions of each season. Wise marketers know how to understand how their clients are feeling rather than trying to change how they feel.

  2. The suggestion is coming at the right time. A spring cleaning message would make a different impact during the Christmas season. 

  3. Good timing makes this decision feel like a priority. If you want people to jump at your offer, you have to make it at the right time.

When you can start to think like your ideal customer, you can imagine the kinds of seasonal marketing messages that would move them to make a purchase. Spring, for example, reminds people of newness, starting over, and the excitement of the upcoming summer.

If you're feeling stuck, here are some more simple spring marketing messaging and campaign ideas to get you started.

Spring Cleaning 

  • Whether you're a cleaning company or a clothing store, most businesses can make a connection between their products and spring cleaning. Invite your audience to clear out the old and make room for the new!

New Beginnings

  • Spring is the season when everything comes alive again. Invite your clients to start fresh with the help of your product or service.

Use Spring Colors and Imagery

  • Spring makes people think of bright, fresh colors. Include spring colors and images that align with your branding.

The Hibernation Season is Over

  • We tend to hunker down in our homes during fall and winter. You might say something like, "spend more time outside enjoying this great weather and let us handle…"

Summer is Nearly Here

  • For many people, the spring season is actually pre-summer. They're already thinking about their summer house projects, their beach bods, and what they need to pack for their big vacation. 

Spring Holidays

  • Seasonal marketing should always consider the holidays that take place during the season. Make a note to celebrate spring holidays like Easter, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, and Cinco de Mayo.

Operating a small business is hard. We're right here with you in the trenches. An effective marketing plan is essential to business growth in this day and age. If you've struggled to figure out how and what to say to your audience, we highly recommend you start with seasonal marketing. Call us today if you'd like more information about our marketing services or to get a quote for a new website for your small business.