Posts tagged small business marketing
Unveiling the Mystery: Why Some Business Owners Don't Utilize Their Websites

As an online marketing expert, I've encountered a perplexing trend among business owners: investing in a website and then leaving it to gather digital dust. It's akin to purchasing a powerful tool and letting it sit idle in the toolbox. In an era where an online presence is crucial for success, this neglect begs the question: WHY?

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How to Create Content your Customers find Valuable

As a small business owner, it’s our job to know the ins and outs of our craft, product details, develop efficient systems and manage just about everything to the best of our capacity. Inevitably, our entrepreneur minds evolve to an expert level of industry knowledge necessary to lead a successful business. At this expert level, we’ve worked hard to attain, it can become challenging to speak our customer’s language.

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